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Why Join IDEOM?

Join a community of like-minded researchers and stakeholders as we work for the establishment of patient-centric outcomes to enhance the research and treatment of dermatological conditions.


  • IDEOM strives for the establishment of patient-centric outcomes to enhance the research and treatment of dermatological conditions.
  • Our workgroups’ goals are to develop outcome measures for clinical practice for their disease of focus.

The Facts

  • Workgroups are autonomous from one another but work together under the IDEOM umbrella. Workgroups independently publish, decide on their steering committees, meetings, and maintain financial control of their group.
  • IDEOM is a 501(c)(3) organization. Taxes, etc. are taken care of by the umbrella organization - not the individual workgroups.
  • IDEOM provides an administrative support staff to assist workgroups.

What's in a Name?

  • All workgroups operate as team members of the IDEOM family, as opposed to independent states, to promote a shared mission.
  • The output from IDEOM gives it the IDEOM gravitas and keeps the group committed to open-source output that can be used by our entire research community to help move our work forward.

Obligations to IDEOM

Every abstract and/or published paper receiving financial support and platform support contributing to the final product of any research work or instrument requires acknowledgment per IDEOM policies. The work remains credit of all authors.

Financial Support

  • IDEOM can provide generous financial support to help workgroups meet their specific goals.
  • Money fundraised for a specific workgroup always stays with that workgroup.
  • Examples of IDEOM support can include (but not limited to):
    • Provides seed money to new workgroups.
    • Routine training of our Patient Research Partners in advance of every meeting to be sure they understand the methods, process and vocabulary etc.
    • A community of stakeholders for input based on expertise in inflammatory skin diseases, outcome measures development, AND an audience that includes the FDA, industry and many others. This creates a rich community of feedback and opportunities for collaboration and interaction.
    • Recent review of our publications supports our deep knowledge of these methods and the ability to implement them fully.
    • Funding for research fellow positions to carry out many of the simultaneous projects which require investment of time and effort.

Become a Stakeholder

To become a stakeholder with IDEOM, participation in Delphi surveys, web conferences, workgroups, and in-person meetings will be required.

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IDEOM Policy

To remain eligible for travel reimbursement for all future in-person meetings, all stakeholders MUST attend the two (2) days of the annual meeting in its entirety.