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Acne Workgroup

Workgroup Chairs


    MD, MBA







Acne is a skin condition that occurs when your hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. It often causes whiteheads, blackheads or pimples, and usually appears on the face, forehead, chest, upper back and shoulders. Acne is most common among teenagers, though it affects people of all ages.

Effective treatments are available, but acne can be persistent. The pimples and bumps heal slowly, and when one begins to go away, others seem to crop up.

Depending on its severity, acne can cause emotional distress and scar the skin. The earlier you start treatment, the lower your risk of such problems.


ACORN Workgroup synopsis


Summary of workgroup members:

  • Signs and Symptoms: Diane Thiboutot/Leon Kircik/Nicole Wall
  • Extent of Scars and Dark Marks: Hilary Baldwin/Jonette Keri
  • Long-term control: Vincenzo Bettoli/Jeanett Segel
  • Treatment Satisfaction: Jerry Tan - added Esther van Zuuren, Bernd Arends, Maegan Miklas
  • HrQoL: John Barbieri/Julianne Mann
  • Satisfaction with appearance: Alison Layton


  • Oral presentation: Tan, J et al. ACORN activities, IDEOM adjacent to WCD, Milan Italy, June 9, 2019.
  • Poster presentation: Layton A. The impact of acne on patients' lives: insights from a systematic review. World Congress of Dermatology, Milan Italy, June 10-15, 2019
  • Oral presentation: Layton A. Core outcome domains for use in clinical trials for acne World Congress of Dermatology, Milan Italy, June 10-15, 2019
  • Oral presentation "Update on ACORN activities" Diane Thiboutot at CS-COUSIN meeting at the AAD March 19, 2020.


  1. Tan et al. Developing a Core Outcome Set for Acne Clinical Trials: Towards standardization and harmonization. Acne - Current Concepts and Management; In review November 2019.
  2. Tan et al. Identifying the impacts of acne: a Delphi survey of patients and clinicians. Journal of Cutaneous Medicine & Surgery. Accepted Jan 2020.
  3. Eady et al. A systematic literature review to identify impacts of acne and usage of questionnaires to detect them (due for submission)
  4. AM Layton, H Smith, DM Thiboutot, A Smith, H Whitehouse, W Ghumra, M Verma, J Tan, G Jones, K Gilliland, M Patel, E Otchere, EA Eady, A Systematic Literature Review to Identify the Impacts of Acne and the Use of Questionnaires to Detect These Impacts. American Journal of Clinical Dermatology; DOI 10.1007/s40257-020-00564-6; In press
  5. AM Layton, DM Thiboutot, J Tan. Reviewing the Global Burden of acne: how could we improve care to reduce the burden? BJD-2020-1723.R2 ; Early view
  6. Tan J, Miklas M. Developing a Core Outcome Set for Acne Clinical Trials: Towards standardization and harmonization. In Acne - Current Concepts and Management; in press Nov 2020
  7. van Zuuren EJ, Arents BWM, Miklas M, Schoones JW, Tan J. Patient reported satisfaction with acne treatment: a systematic review. In revision post-submission Br Jour Derm. Sep 2020.
  8. Tan J, Frey M, Thiboutot D, Layton A, Eady A. Identifying the impacts of acne: a Delphi survey of patients and clinicians. Journal of Cutaneous Medicine & Surgery. May/Jun 2020;24(3):259-266
  9. Patient-Reported Outcome Measures for Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients With Acne Vulgaris: A Systematic Review of Measure Development and Measurement Properties. Read More